如果远方有战争 -- If There Are Wars Far Away

Feb 11, 1967 by Yu Kwang-chung
如果远方有战争 If there are wars far away, 我该掩耳或是坐起来,惭愧地倾听? should I cover my ears, or sit up, and listen in shame; 应该掩鼻,或该深呼吸难闻的焦味? should I cover my nose, or breath in all the burnt gun fire; 我的耳朵应该听你喘息的爱情 should my ears listen to your moaning love, 或听榴弹宣扬真理? or should they listen to missiles howling their truth. 格言、勋章、补给 Mottos, medals, and supplies; 能不能喂饱无餍的死亡? can they finally feed the hunger of death? 如果有战争煎熬一个民族 If there are civilizations suffering in wars, 在远方有战车狠狠地犁过春泥 in the far away land: where tanks smash trough the budding mud; 有婴孩在号啕 where babies are crying 向母亲的尸体号啕一个盲哑的明天 crying to their mothers' body, wailing for a blind future; 如果一个尼姑在火葬自己 where the nuns were burnt. 寡欲的脂肪炙响一个绝望 Hers soft body sizzles despair; 烧曲的四肢抱住涅盘 her warped limbs hanging on to the hope of reincarnation, 为了一种无效的手势 forming the hopeless gesture. 如果我们在床上 If we are in bed, 他们在战场 and they are on the battle field, 在铁丝网上播种着和平 spread peace through barbed wires. 我应该惶恐,或是该庆幸 Should I be terrified, or should I be glad? 庆幸是做爱,不是肉搏 glad we are making love, not fighting; 是你的裸体在臂中,不是敌人 glad it is your nude body between my arm, not my enemy. 如果远方有战争,而我们在远方 If there are wars far away, and if we are there, 你是慈悲的天使,白羽无疵 you will be the loving angle, with feathers of pure white, 你俯身在病床,看我在床上 looking down on me in a bed, 缺手、缺脚、缺眼、缺乏性别 my hands blown, my legs lost, my eyes blind, even my genitals gone, 在一所血腥的战地医院 at a field hospital ridden with blood. 如果远方有战争啊这样的战争 If there are wars far away, wars like this, 情人,如果我们在远方 my love, if we are there...