小娟(化名)-- Xiao Juan (pseudonym)

Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fISW2YJ25r8   我们的名字不叫小娟, Our names were not Xiao Juan (a common pseudonym for females), 化名是我们最后防线 pseudonyms were our final defense 社会新闻,耸动版面,双眼打码照片 Front page, breaking news, with blurred photo 夜莺变哑巴,你们费好大功夫 you all spent so much effort, just to silence our songs 谁敢不听话,时时刻刻地刻骨, Who dare to disobey, will be rightfully tormented: 用拳头,用汽油,用硫酸 with fists, with gasoline, with acid; 用剃头,用目光,用键盘, with hair shaved, with stare, with comments; 最后如何被你们记录 and finally how will these be recorded? 奻,奸,妖,婊,嫖,姘,娼,妓,奴 vexatious, disloyal, witch, prostitute (similar to bi**h in English), wench, adultery, prostitution, slave (Chinese characters with 女 female as part of the character) 耍,婪,佞,妄,娱,嫌,妨,嫉,妒 trick, lazy, disloyal, entertain, sick of, impede, envy, jealousy (Chinese characters with 女 female as part of the character) 轻蔑摆布,嵌入头颅, "at your mercy" was engraved in our mind; 隐去我姓名,忘记我姓名 erase my name, and forget my name. 同一出悲剧,不断上演继续, Why does the same tragedy keep repeat? 囚禁我身躯,割断我舌头 Imprison my body, and cut off my tongue; 无声将眼泪织进绸缎锦绣 Weave all our tears into this exquisite silk. 冲进下水道,从婚房沉入河床 flushed into sewer, sink into the river, by the love ones; 塞满行李箱,阳台上冰柜冷藏, stuffed into luggage, freezed in the fridge; 在学校,在工厂,在路旁 at school, in factory, on the side of the road. 枕边人挑选的“好地方”, the place hand-selected by the significant other; 最后如何被你们制服 how did we finally subdue? 奻,奸,妖,婊,嫖,姘,娼,妓,奴 vexatious, disloyal, witch, prostitute (similar to bi**h in English), wench, adultery, prostitute, slave (Chinese characters with 女 female as part of the character) 耍,婪,佞,妄,娱,嫌,妨,嫉,妒 tricks, lazy, disloyal, entertain, get sick of, impede, envy, jealousy (Chinese characters with 女 female as part of the character) 灵魂割礼,融入血骨, mutilation of souls, blends into our blood; 隐去我姓名,忘记我姓名 erase my name, and forget my name. 同一出悲剧,不断上演继续, Why does the same tragedy keep repeat? 囚禁我身躯,割断我舌头 Imprison my body, and cut off my tongue. 无声将眼泪织进绸缎锦绣 Weave all our tears into this exquisite silk 我们的名字不叫小娟, Our names were not Xiao Juan, 化名是我们最后体面 pseudonyms were our last decency 茶余饭后,谈资消遣, Our news are just entertainments after dinner, 很快抛在一边 and soon we will be forgotten. 知晓我姓名,牢记我姓名, Know my name, and remember my name; 同一出悲剧,何时彻底止息 When will the same tragedy stop? 安葬我身躯,抚平我眉头, Bury my body, and ease my brows; 无声用眼泪擦拭墓碑石头 clean my tomb stone with all the silent tears. 知晓我姓名,牢记我姓名, Know my name, and remember my name; 同一出悲剧,为何还在继续 Why will the same tragedy continue to repeat? 安葬我美梦,缝合我心口, Bury my dreams, and stitch my heart; 无声用眼泪铭刻墓碑石头 clean my tomb stone with all the silent tears.