I am a postdoc research fellow at UCL Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification Group, working with Professor Alexandra Silva. Prior to that, I was a Ph.D. student at Boston University supervised by Professor Marco Gaboardi. I obtained my bachelor's degree in Mathematics at Wheaton College (MA), advised by Professor William Bloch, and did my honor thesis in graph theory with Professor Rochelle Leibowitz.
My research interests span the theory and practice of programming language and verification across various domains, including but not limited to: networks, distributed systems, concurrency, probabilistic computing, security, and art.
The theoretical side of me loves exploring the behaviors of real-world systems through the lenses of coalgebra, Kleene algebra, universal algebra, iteration theory, and category theory. The practical side of me seeks to design efficient, robust, and human-centric verification frameworks that are grounded in solid mathematical principles.
You can find out more about my research, teaching, and experiences in my research statement, teaching statement, DEI statement, and CV.
Nov 2024 --- Our paper "CF-GKAT: Efficient Validation of Control-Flow Transformations" is accepted at POPL 2025. Hope to see you in Denver, Colorado!
Oct 2024 --- Our paper "Kleene algebra with commutativity conditions is undecidable" is accepted at CSL 2025.
Oct 2024 --- I have joined PPLV groups of UCL as a postdoc! I am honored to work with Prof. Alexandra Silva, and her talented group.
Sep 2024 --- I will be attending NEPLS 2024 at NEU!
Aug 2024 --- I have finished my Ph.D. at Boston University!
Note: The language model in the conference version is unsound with respect to the axioms of TopKAT, which invalidates several important results. This error is fixed in the arXiv version, and acknowledged in "Domain Reasoning in TopKAT" (ICALP 2024) by me and my coauthors. We thank Damien Pous and Jana Wagemaker for pointing out this error.
Note: Original talk title is "Domain Reasoning In TopKAT: Reduction and Completeness", but we decided to slightly change the topic based on reviewer feedback.
I enjoy cooking, food, coffee, gardening with my wife, and hang out with my pet rabbits. I sometimes read about coffee and old Chinese poetry; I kept a tiny blog of some poems and lyrics I translated and wrote. These translations are generally terrible, but I am trying to get better.